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Ready to Rent

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Let us help with the finishing touches

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Preparing your Venice home for renting can quickly get complicated — from organizing the furniture and decorative items in your house, to cleaning it thoroughly, to getting professional photography taken… The list goes on! Luckily for you, this is one of Truly Venice’s specialities. For over 15 years now, we’ve assisted dozens of Venice apartments in planning for this very crucial moment.

What we bring to the ‘Ready to Rent’ process: a keen attention to detail, a specialized understanding of residential design and home staging, a team of highly experienced in-house photographers, and years of personal insight into what is most desired in a vacation home.


Home Staging


Home staging is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. In actuality, organizing furniture and decorative items in the most optimal way takes a great deal of experience and understanding of spacial design. For Truly Venice, this is one of the areas in which we excel a great deal. Our local Venice team includes accomplished interior designers who will assist in the process. You will be in exceptional hands with someone who knows what appeals to potential visitors and exactly the best way present it.

Home Photoshoot

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Organizing your home’s visual appeal for a photoshoot is something that must be done with great care. From the point of view of a guest looking to rent, photos are the greatest selling point, so it takes an experienced photography team to produce an unforgettable pitch. With our services, you can be assured that the photographer who takes pictures of your home knows precisely how to enhance your property's best features, thus giving it the best possible chance of securing rental visitors.

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Do you need assistance in preparing your property to be listed and rented?

Please contact us to request more information about our rental service.